Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The best news I've had all week...

I got the best phone call today when I was in a tiny dressing room trying on some clothes at Old Navy.

It was a lovely lady from the Devopmental Center that we are on the waiting list for. She was calling to schedule Andy's appointment for his evaluation for Asperger's Syndrome.

We now have his appointment scheduled. WooHoo!! We are scheduled for June 30th. No more waiting list.


I'm beyond excited. Thrilled is more like it. I just can't wait to sit down before this panel of experts and finally get some answers.

Can you feel my excitement??????


  1. Congratulations Brandi! You are one step ahead of me - Matt is still on the wait list. : )

    Let us know how it goes -- June 30th is so close!


  2. Fantastic! That didn't take long (although I bet it felt like an eternity!) Hope you get the answers you want.

  3. 2 weeks away!!! how exciting!! I'm jumping up and down for you:) Good luck!

  4. I am so excited that I just found your blog! I have 4 children: daughter 8, son 7 (SPD), son 3 (SPD) and a daughter 3 (adopted from China). We took our 3-year-old in for autism evaluation and it was 100% negative, not even close. Good news obviously, but no aide at school and no easy way to explain to others why he is behaving the way he is!! Good luck with Andy's evaluation!
